What Is Technology?

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or, as Joseph Dunne puts it, “to the change and manipulation of the human environment.” It is an attempt to bring the world closer to how one wishes it to be. This means that, unlike science, which focuses on necessity and universality, technology is concerned with contingencies and specificities.

Technological advances make our lives easier, but they can also create new problems. For example, using fossil fuels like petrol, diesel and coal causes pollution that harms people’s health and damage the environment. Another concern is that some technologies, especially those involving weapons and war, have led to devastating losses of life and displacement of families.

Almost everything we use in our everyday lives falls under the umbrella of technology. Software, computer hardware and internet connectivity are all examples of technology. The tools we use in education to help students learn and solve practical problems also fall under this category. These include interactive digital tools, online learning platforms and classroom management systems.

When choosing what technology to use in a class, it’s important to consider the course, discipline and goals of the lesson. Successful technology choices are wedded to a particular course or a particular area of a course. They should also be designed to help students achieve learning outcomes and be easy to manage. It’s also essential to understand that technology should complement lessons taught by teachers, not replace them.