News is a form of information about current events that can affect people or their environment. It has been transmitted verbally and written since ancient times, and is now carried by many forms of media. It can include government proclamations, politics, war, education, health, business, entertainment and sports. It can also refer to specific events, such as weather and natural disasters, or more general issues, such as corruption and crime.
News stories need to be well researched and well written. They should contain factual details from sources that can be verified and quotes from people involved or affected by the story. News articles should not include the writer’s opinion but instead present the information in an unbiased way. They should be clear and concise, as readers may not have time to read lengthy articles that go off on tangents. They should use the inverted pyramid structure, placing the most important information first and then adding details to support that information.
There are several theories about what makes a story newsworthy. Some scholars believe that news should reflect reality, while others argue that it should provide entertainment value or promote certain political beliefs. Some theorists believe that market research determines what is newsworthy, while others claim that it is a subjective process that involves journalists and audiences. Finally, others argue that the process is dynamic and changes over time as technology advances and new political pressures influence journalists. The result is a constantly changing, multistage theater of news production and dissemination.