Religion is a cultural practice that people use to express their beliefs about the universe, their place within it, and their values. It involves worship and devotional practices, sacred texts, moral conduct, and religious institutions. Many religions have a supernatural component that includes gods, spirits, and other powers. Although different societies have varying beliefs about the nature of these supernatural forces and how they behave, all religions have common features that distinguish them from philosophical or purely ethical systems.
A popular theory of how religion came into being explains that it developed out of human curiosity about the big questions of life and death, fear of uncontrollable forces, and a desire for hope. The hope often involves a belief in immortality or life after death, the existence of a kind creator who watches over humanity, and a sense of meaning and purpose for human life.
In the modern era, the semantic range of the concept of religion has expanded. This expansion has raised questions about whether it is fair to consider some practices as a religion. Some critics argue that the category of religion has no essence and should be treated as a social taxon that only consists of groupings of practices that share certain kinds of characteristics.
The best way to learn about religions is to visit temples, churches, synagogues, mosques, and other religious meeting houses of all kinds and talk with the people who go there. They are usually very willing to answer questions and share their religion with you, if you ask them politely and respectfully.